What is CMCNWW?
These days, it is a trend to use “missional church” in the Christian world. This is a reflection of the desperate desire for the contemporary church to be restored to a true church. However, what is of great concern is that this new trend of the missional church can be easily recognized and spread among pastors as new church programs. Then, what is the missional church like if it is not a new church program? Should it be seen as a new trend of healthy church movement or church reform or renewal movement? Nowadays, you will find that the missional church is popular in many church seminars and meetings as if it is like a panacea to solve all the problems of the church. It is no doubt that missional churches have the nature of a movement for church reform and renewal. Nevertheless, the discussion of missional churches is not just about a call for church reform and renewal. Then, what does “Missional Church” mean? It refers to a church that God is sending into the world, and the sent church constantly reflects on the past history and repents the sins and flaws of the church. Center for Missional Church in the Non-Western World (CMCNWW) is interested in how churches in the non-western world can be reborn as being faithful to their missional nature and practice. To this end, this center will explore how churches in each region of the world can be reformed and renewed as missional churches.
CMCNWW aims to conduct theological research on how non-Western churches, including Korea, Hong Kong, China, and Asia, especially churches built on mission sites, can be strongly planted, nurtured, and grown up as missional churches. To this end, we will try to work together with schools and institutions in the North Atlantic as well as in Korea that have researched missional churches in the past decades. And like them, our center will also try to lead the churches to learn about the missional churches by actively introducing books, journals, and networks for the missional churches in the world. It will also work on networking with theologians and pastors in the non-western churches and the plan to publish a journal named “Journal of Missional Church in Non-Western World” (JMCNWW).